Established in 2019

Fish Report

Rogue River Lower Report

Photo Credit: Courtesy of ODFW

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

As water temperatures increase, some Chinook anglers have begun to change fishing tactics from anchoring to trolling in the bay and upstream from the bridge. Spinners, plugs, anchovies, and sardines have all been used successfully. Hatchery Chinook may be retained year-round. Wild Chinook opened for retention June 1. Two adult salmon or steelhead may be retained per day and 20 per year. Five jack salmon per day may be retained.

Hatchery rainbow trout season opened May 22. Five hatchery trout may be retained daily. Wild rainbow and cutthroat trout must be released. Rainbow trout over 16-inches are considered steelhead.

This spring, ODFW is conducting a genetic study on wild chinook by collecting fin tissue samples. Anglers interested in learning more and participating in this project can contact ODFW staff at 541-247-7605.

For a current view of the Rogue from the Isaac Lee Patterson Bridge in Gold Beach, check out the ODOT’s camera.

The Columbia River Subarea (Leadbetter Point, WA to Cape Falcon, OR) all-depth halibut fishery will be open for one additional...... Read More

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