Established in 2019

Fish Report

The Necanicum should be a good bet for those looking for early winter steelhead

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Necanicum should be a good bet for those looking for early winter steelhead. We saw a good push of hatchery steelhead into the North Fork Nehalem this past week, and these are the same stock of fish that are released into the Necanicum. Although the Necanicum release is smaller; there should be some fresh hatchery fish available in this basin.

Attention boaters: We noticed a new log hung up on the log jam upstream of the Hwy. 101 boat ramp on the Necanicum. Boaters should use caution and be prepared to have to portage around downed wood if necessary.

The fall Chinook run on the Necanicum is mostly over. The majority of the remaining Chinook are probably dark and close to spawning or spawned out.

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