Fish Report
Winter steelhead typically start to show up in early December on the Siletz
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
***Update*** The Siletz Basin did have a limited wild Coho season that ended on Oct. 15. No wild Coho retention is allowed for the remainder of the 2021 season.
Fall Chinook is winding down on the Siletz. There is still a chance to catch a late returning fall Chinook but the prolonged high water has moved the fish up into the spawning grounds above the fishing deadlines.
Winter steelhead typically start to show up in early December on the Siletz. Although it can be a bit slow there are usually some fish around in December. Then things start to pick up in January and peak from Jan-March. Time to get geared up for winter steelheading.
Trout fishing in streams closed on Oct. 31.