Fish Report
Outstanding Bass Fishing & Offshore Slump
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
We had a nice showing of Yellowfin yesterday on the full Day but it seems the fish had other plans today. The fleet was still able to scratch out some fish but many said it was a tough day with lots of looking. Things are still a little mixed up after this storm so we are going to keep at it and wait for things to pick back up.
The Tribute ended their day with 22 Yellowfin and 5 Dorado for their 22 anglers. The Tribute's 1.5 Day departing tomorrow night is a definite run for those looking to get on a light load trip right now!
The Sea Watch wrapped up their Full Day trip with 13 Yellowfin and 6 Dorado for their 24 anglers. The Sea Watch has plenty of spots open for their Full Day on Thursday.
The New Seaforth got on the bass this morning with 50 legal Bass and 50 released for their 13 anglers on the AM Half Day. The bass fishing has showed no signs of slowing down over the past week. As always we offer the AM and PM Half Day daily!