Fish Report
Updated adult wild spring Chinook regulations for mainstem Umpqua and North Umpqua rivers for 2023

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
ROSEBURG, Ore. – For the first time since 2019, anglers will be able to harvest adult wild spring Chinook in the mainstem Umpqua River. North Umpqua bag limits will remain the same as 2022.
In 2023 the mainstem Umpqua River bag limit will be one adult wild spring Chinook per day, five per season (Feb. 1 – June 30). North Umpqua regulations will remain at one adult wild spring Chinook per day and ten per season. Anglers are reminded that the mainstem Umpqua seasonal bag limit is in aggregate with the North Umpqua.
Anglers may still retain hatchery spring Chinook in addition to wild fish as part of their two salmon/steelhead per day limit. Jack wild spring Chinook limits remain unchanged, see 2023 fishing regulations for details.
The wild spring chinook bag limits for the North and mainstem Umpqua rivers are set annually by a sliding scale created as part of the Coastal Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan. The abundance criteria, which incorporates 2022's wild fish returns and the forecasted 2023 returns, is currently in the "medium" category of the sliding scale.